Thursday, January 22, 2009


What's the deal of not knowing to read in Chinese?

What's the problem for not speaking Mandarin correctly?

THIS IS ME-an English educated girl..

I'm trying my best to fit in and speak the best that I could..

Yes, i may not be able to read in Chinese,

I don't know what you all are talking about,

I need you all to translate,

I need you all to read for me..

You all laugh at me, tease me..

YES, I know..

I'm trying to understand..

BUT I just wanna tell you-I NEVER REGRET for not knowing Chinese as much as you all..I wanna some respect..Please let me have some dignity..For I wanna be just ME and I'm there to be in the crowd-trying my best..Sometimes i feel i just don't belong anywhere, just like a lost soul looking for a place to console..

However, after calming down, i realized maybe i'm just being EMO..I shouldn't think so much for you all just playing and have fun joking with me..So, I'm willing to take the challenge and learn Chinese bit by bit..You all are gonna teach me, aren't you? SIFU, where are you? Who wanna be my sifu? :)

0 baby monsters: