This very year, we (ME, Siu Li, Pei Chen, Pei Hwa, Jeet Ling, Yit Lin, Yen Fei, Kian How, Ah Wang and Music) went to the Angpau Festival dinner at DECTAR..It's always so fun to hang around with your buddies..Earlier on, someone said I last minute only call-that also left 2 places, someone also said i purposely/indirectly play joke with her by trying to cheat her to go this dinner while another one said I didn't call her..The frustrated me can just shoke my head and said 'Next time I don't wanna be the one in charge'..You know, it's so hard to like call EVERYONE ( imagine there are more than 10 buddies that I have and it's a challenge to not left out one..) to an event and when you left someone, gosh, you don't wanna know what happened..Anyway, I'm gonna say SORRY if i've unintentionally hurt anyone..So, after throwing away all the accusations of my head, I decided to have fun and not let those stuff get into me..I wanna HAVE FUN!!!!!!!Neeehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh........
Camwhoring in our room..
She's beggining to look like me..THE AMIN
Can't see the 'Lang Sai' ler..Music's fault la..
The Amin flowers (pheewwiittttt) : YF, ME, SL, YL. PC, JL, PH
The 'dancing' God of Prosperity..
KH, Don't kill the God of Prosperity la..I'm in the picture-means i'm his helper..Oh, God..I want lots of 'chai'..
Me, SL and PC-00's 22, 11 and 44..hehe :P
When is food coming????
While waiting for food, let's snap some pictures..Say CHEESSEEEEE...
'Lou sang'-Ko ko pu seng!! <>
YL : Shouted Wanna get 4 flat
SL : Shouted Wanna have bf (lol)
The rest : Wish in our hearts of course..
Just love to take group photos..
Going home lo..
The Angpau Festival in Amin was held in quite a big (actually medium-compared to last year which was only allowed to hold it at Squash Hall..~Lame) scale at Dataran K4..There were 2 sessions-2-5pm was the games which they have 6 stations and we were to collect points for each game that we played..9 winners with the highest points were announced during the later session-dinner..Although we are already seniors, we joined the fun and did act like when we were juniors..haha..PLAY HARD!!! And we proved it by winning the 1st place (Dong2), 3rd place (ME), 4th place (Pei Chen), 5th place (Siu Li)..
Ping pong challenge..SL and PC was the funniest!! Flying 'badminton'
Throw till you drop the bottles..Man, most of the ping pong balls flied out of the box..
Needles-my worst ever ( ME and sewing totally can't match)..SL and PY can be a good housewife (they BROKE RECORD! don't play-play)
The marbles-4 levels of toughness..Who says Chinese must know how to 'kiap' very well?
Amin Amin Move-Ha ha ha hoik...Man, i got conned a few times..SL never win when play real and Dong2 play cheat also ('wu liao')..
All look so 'ang-ang'.. :)
'Lou sang'..PC always said 'Lau sang'..(Cantonese+Mandarin)..Sounds like LAU SAI right?lol
The 4 Amin Econs-11, 22, 44, 00 :P
Yeah! US again-11 got 4th, 22 got 3rd, 44 got 5th ( Games) and 00 got Rm2 angpau (Lucky Draw)..The Econs POWER!!
Haha..SL kena bully..Veron blur2 still can pose for
Fun Veron + Sporting Dong2
The tigerians-Kok Sin, SL and PY..
SL : You must admit that you are a tigeress la.. :P
PY : Pout
Haha..ME-rabbit!! KH's body and Dong2's leg as the prop.. :)
It was some entertainment for US, seniors to join and have some fun..Morever, it's only RM6..So it's definitely worth it..Counting and looking at the clock and calender, I realized that it's not something very far that we soon will be seperated from one another after graduate from our own fields..So, I do treasure every single event or get-together that we have and definitely took lots of pictures as a momento next time..All these sweet memories with my good, caring, gentlemen(aheemmmm..), helpful buddies of mine will definitely be in my heart always..If i were to write a list of it, i guess it would be countless..So, to everybody, THANKS for everything and FRIENDSHIP ALWAYS!! :)
Friendship is priceless,
And can never be forgotten,
Friendship is timeless,
And never rotten.
It takes more than hugs and kisses
To be a real friend,
The nature of friendship,
Requires a blend.
The road to a happy life,
May sometimes make us stumble,
But to have a friend to give us a hand,
Teaches us to humble.
Good friends are hard to find,
Hard to lose,
And impossible to forget,
But when they fly away,
Your anger turns to regret.
Sometimes in life, we need a special person,
To listen while we talk,
A special person who will not discourage or judge,
But encourage us as we walk.
Friends are there,
To help you all along,
The journey through friendship,
Is always long.
In life,
There are big ships,
And there are small ships,
But the best ship of all,
0 baby monsters:
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